DiscourseHub notification menu blocked by the user interface (iPad)

When opening my notifications, it is slightly blocked by the user interface on the top. It is kind of annoying because you cannot see some of the menu elements or the notifications.

This only applies to the “new” forum type.



Can you replicate this on Meta? I’ve had a try with DiscourseHub Android and iPhone and the menu appears fine to me.


I can reproduce this on the Meta forum.

That looks like you may be using an ipad or tablet?

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Correct. This is an iPad mini 5th generation tablet.

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This may be specific to the iPad mini, I can’t reproduce it here on an iPad Pro.


Can you try to reproduce the issue in Safari?

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No issue here in Safari:

Okay, so it’s likely an issue that’s specific to the Discourse Hub application.

I have an iPad mini 2 that I could try to reproduce the issue with, but it’s packed away in a box somewhere. Besides, I’m not even sure the Discourse Hub application still supports it.

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