Topic List Previews (legacy)

What happens if you increase the topic_list_thumbnail_resolution_level (which lowers the res) to 2?

I’ve now made 2 the default (was 0, serving the highest res thumbnails!!)

Bear in mind for this to work you have to have sidekiq running to prepare the lower resolution thumbnails. For the time they are not available it will serve the higher res or original images and you may run into that issue. That situation should only last minutes.

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Theme Component does not yet replace the plugin unfortunately. But give me time: I only started on it two days ago!


Sorry I’m just wondering. Thank you


I appreciate your interest. I have a little time today so will take a look at Featured Images in the Theme Component. (Which may allow me to fix it on both)


An early version of Featured Images has been added to the experimental Theme Component. Only tested as working on Discovery routes. I’ve added mobile support though. (not available in the plugin) (@Krischan)


I updated this morning and sidekiq has been running as far as I can tell, but I’m still having the issue. This is what shows up in the console on pages using the component



Yup a JavaScript error might well stop the layout code dead.

Have you updated staging and Theme Component to latest?

I trust you have TLP plugin uninstalled?

Oh and have you given it rights to get the required scripts?

Add this to security settings:

content security policy script src:

This is no longer necessary, because Discourse’s funky new Theme Modifiers support modifications to CSP which is now implemented in the TC

(that allows ImagesLoaded and dependencies to be downloaded)


That did the trick! I’m impressed how quickly you translated this.

One thing I’ve noticed is I can’t select any tags for topic list featured images tag, I know you’re still working on this, but just in case this is something different…

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One tag should work. You had to type it in. I’ve released an update which changes that to a picker (amongst a lot of other improvements).

This relied on bespoke API. I’ve rewritten it to exploit the vanilla API. Unfortunately it’s likely to be simpler as a result.

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To install GitHub - paviliondev/discourse-tc-topic-list-previews: Enriches the content and layout of topic lists need uninstalled TLP plugin? Is it right?
It looks like too many big changes are already lost your time.

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Yes, loads of changes in Core. A real challenge to keep up this time.


Hi Robert,
First of all, thank you very mluch for that wonderful plugin and your hard work.
Since yesterday, the plugin seems unable to display small pictures into the Topic List:

Here’s the status of updates and settings:

URL my forum:

The git I’m using is
Is there anything wrong in the settings ?

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As per guidance this plugin is temporarily partially broken because of huge changes to Discourse Core. We do not support Production upgrades now outside 1st to 5th of month. It was working on the 5th. If you install or upgrade outside this period you do so at your own risk.

I’m currently focusing on delivering an experimental Theme Component with a cut-down feature set.

I should get back to the plugin later this month.


I wasn’t aware of it. I’ll stay tuned. Thank you again


Pleasure. This plugin and others are supremely complex now and a significant effort to maintain. The constant shifting of core over which we have no control and frequent breaking changes make it a challenge. That’s why we recently introduced that policy: it gives us some breathing room!

Thanks for your understanding.


OK big improvements to the experimental Theme Component:

  • Featured Images should be working fully and better than ever (I rewrote much of it), with optional excerpts and you can select their dimensions. They now work on mobile
  • Category selectors should be working
  • Settings descriptions should reflect what still hasn’t been done/fixed
  • Some features removed/changed that worked in plugin because of lack of bespoke API.

NB#2 Chrome still struggles with my masonry renderer, there’s a limited scroll distance before the view becomes messed up … this is due to a browser limitation/me arrogantly pushing the boundaries of CSS and it’s currently being worked on by their development team. I’ve chosen to do it this way because 1. it’s responsive to sidebars 2. it’s ULTRA quick. 3. It should soon be fixed hopefully. Try it in Firefox or Safari for the full experience.


I’ve updated to latest and now I have the same problem I do with the custom wizard plugin, I can only select tags that are not in tag groups. In my case this is just the one test tag. I can’t type anything in now.


That’s a potential Discourse issue I think David. I’m using a native setting type.

  type: list
  list_type: tag
  default: ''
    en: "Featured images tag."

However, have you set this?:

Notice the restriction

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It may very well be a discourse issue then. Many of my tag groups do not have a required parent tag, so that’s not the problem. I’ll pose this question in support, thanks!


I could turn this back into a text field. That will remove the tag picker. We can put it back later?

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