If you look at https://meta.discourse.org/categories.json you can see something like this:
category_list: {
can_create_category: false,
can_create_topic: true,
categories: [
id: 67,
name: "announcements",
color: "ED207B",
text_color: "FFFFFF",
slug: "announcements",
topic_count: 289,
post_count: 3693,
position: 0,
So the data you need is there.
If you install Plugin outlet locations theme component you can see where you can easily insert new information:
It’s not going to be easy (for me, at least) to replace the topics. If you’re OK with having it in the below-category-title-link
, you could do that in a theme component. I suspose it’s possible to re-write the number with some javascript magic.