How much post editing/revision are my users doing?

This is probably an edge case, but I’m curious to understand how much Editing/Revision is going on on my site. There are stats for Topics Viewed, Posts Viewed, Read Time, etc, but I’m looking also for how many edits a person has done. Is there any way to extract this somehow?

The reason why i’m curious is that there’s people publishing and editing content on the website and there may be multiple people revising the same Topical post, but there’s not really a good way to metric when multiple people have contributed, nor their level of contribution. The people primarily revising content are essentially invisible.

You could probably formulate a Data Explorer query to get this data out of the raw database.

There is information about revisions in the post_revisions table. You can run these as Data Explorer queries The first will give the number of revisions per post, the second gives the number of unique users who have edited a post.

count(pr.post_id) AS revisions
FROM post_revisions pr
GROUP BY pr.post_id
ORDER BY revisions DESC
COUNT(DISTINCT pr.user_id) AS reviser_count
FROM post_revisions pr
GROUP BY pr.post_id
ORDER BY reviser_count DESC

There is a lot more that could be done with this.


Kind of a silly question, but I can’t seem to find the data explorer anymore. I could swear it was enabled on our instance previously, but for the life of me I can’t find it.

I checked for it on your forum and it’s not installed. We can add it.


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