Transit - A Public Tranportation theme

:dizzy: Summary A playful theme for fans of public transport :railway_car:
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository GitHub - nolosb/discourse-theme-transit
:open_book: New to Discourse Themes? Beginner’s guide to using Discourse Themes

Install this theme


The theme installs a few theme components by default.

  • Add Category Column

  • Category Badge Styles

  • New Topic button

  • Primary Button

Site Settings

The category page is styled for Categories Only. There’s also only a light color scheme right now. If you want this scheme to always show you’d need to adjust the default color scheme id for dark mode.

Theme Settings

You can adjust the number of characters on the category badges.


Import Error: about.json does not exist, or is invalid. Are you sure this is a Discourse Theme?

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Looks super clean! Good job!


No issues on tests-passed, but can confirm this on stable. Not sure why though…?

I never remember the difference between those two but test-passed is the one that gives the latest? Because such one I’m using no matter what its name is :smirk: and I rebuilded about an hour ago.

Edit: I checked. i’m on tests-passed and 3.2.0.beta5-dev (6ec4ffdee1)

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Oh got it! I still had communiteq’s fork for the category column component in the file… but it’s merged today and the branch was deleted.

So not about discourse versions… It just worked on my instance running tests-passed because I already had the component installed :upside_down_face: