Mbalamusiza nnyo ba ssebo neba nnyabo, mugyebale. Erinnya nze Alice Kibombo era nva Uganda…ntera okwetaba ku mukutu gwa English Wikipedia era nsanyuse okubasisinkana ku mutimbagano guno…
(Oops - I think now that this should be reported in the Discourse Translator plugin). Can this topic / post be moved there? Or should I delete and repost or something? Thanks…)
I’m trying to reproduce the bug seen at Say hello! - #28 by AKibombo - General - Movement Strategy Forum
But it seems like translation is not supported in this Discourse.
Here is a screenshot from that Discourse instance:
The error apparently is related to the fact that Lugandan is supported by Google Translate, but not by the Google Translate API. I don’t see it reported elsewhere here, so please consider this a bug report.
To be specific, while Google needs to enhance their product to support more languages, I think Discourse should catch the 500 error and provide a more friendly and helpful error message.
You’re in the right place.
Bugs in official plugins should be here in the main bug category (though issues with third-party ones should be posted to the respective plugin topics to make it easier for the maintainers to keep track of everything). I’ve added the translator tag to this topic to tie it together.