Translation from Lugandan yields uncaught 500 error (in a different Discourse)

(Oops - I think now that this should be reported in the Discourse Translator plugin). Can this topic / post be moved there? Or should I delete and repost or something? Thanks…)

I’m trying to reproduce the bug seen at Say hello! - #28 by AKibombo - General - Movement Strategy Forum

But it seems like translation is not supported in this Discourse.

Here is a screenshot from that Discourse instance:

The error apparently is related to the fact that Lugandan is supported by Google Translate, but not by the Google Translate API. I don’t see it reported elsewhere here, so please consider this a bug report.

To be specific, while Google needs to enhance their product to support more languages, I think Discourse should catch the 500 error and provide a more friendly and helpful error message.