Trust Level Permissions Reference

This doesn’t seem to be the case any more - in my site, it seems to be admins only (discovered after attempting to coach one of my mods to convert a topic to public). I can’t find a setting that governs this.

Not sure if this is a regression or is deliberate.

Hmmm, I just tested this and for me it’s still working as expected and allowing moderators to make a topic from a pm:

test user admin panel showing perimissions:

logged in as test user with PM to self:


Did you try it with a test moderator account?


Okay - I understand the issue now. It has to do with the interaction of deletion and changes to the admin menu of topics which don’t refresh until the page is reloaded. This is a bug (albeit it a very minor one).

To repro:

  1. Visit an existing Topic (can be a PM) with an account with moderator/admin privileges
  2. Delete the Topic
    • Note that the option to Make Public Topic / Make Personal Message remains visible
  3. Refresh the page
    • Note that the option to Make Public Topic / Make Personal Message is no longer present
  4. Undelete the Topic
    • the option to Make Public Topic / Make Personal Message remains absent until the page is refreshed

It seems like a page refresh is needed after deletion / undeletion of a topic. Perhaps this should be included in the action of topic deletion/undeletion?


It is real clear to understand.