Turn off the ability to delete posts

Is there a way for the admin of the forum to turn off the ability to delete or edit posts? In the financial industry, there is a requirement that all written communication of any kind be archived for 5 years and cannot be deleted or hidden. Per SEC. Is this feature possible in discourse? If so, can someone show me how?!

There are a few settings that can achieve this.


If you make these numbers huge no one will be able to edit.


If you remove the Delete option it won’t be available to users.


Doesn’t a large number mean that the post can be edited for many minutes?

To limit deletions, you can also use max post deletions per minute and max post deletions per day.

In general, deleted posts are only soft-deleted, so while most users cannot see them anymore, they are still in the database and users, who are allowed to delete all posts and topics can still see them.


Apologies, you’re correct. :laughing: Thanks for the catch.