I was just asked a question from one of our administrators and did not have any ideas, so am again turning to this wonderful forum here! The question is about a Twitter stream, such as around a tag. Is there a way a Twitter tag stream can in some way be integrated into Discourse so the participants can see that stream someplace? Thanks in advance.
I can’t think of any way other than linking to it in a reply. You could write a plugin.
Thanks, @codinghorror. If only I had that skill set!!
Well, basically, you could try to include Twitter’s JS code: https://dev.twitter.com/web/javascript/loading
…to embed a timeline: https://dev.twitter.com/web/embedded-timelines - but: Discourse “eats” all attributes of that a tag which one would need to realize that. Is there any whitelisting mechanism built into Discourse one could use here?
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