Unable to connect to any forum on latest DiscourseHub android

I cannot connect to any of my discourse instances because every time I hit the connect button, it’s like I don’t press on anything, the application doesn’t do anything.

I already looked up manually with the URL of my instances, added them, they’re on my main screen but then I can’t get past that.

Has anyone reported or seen this odd behavior before? Is there any workaround or something I might be missing? It clearly has internet permissions.


I can reproduce the problem.

When I accidentally tapped next to the button it worked.


Or is it double tap? That is how it works on iPad. Has been that way since day one.

No it isn’t. A single tap works fine as long as you don’t tap the connect button. When you tap the button, no matter how often, it doesn’t work.

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It works exacly that way on iPad — double tap connect :thinking:

So, behaviour is different but same at same time.

Thanks for the report @rottenwheel, this was my bad. I am going to rush a fix for this in the Play Store today, just a question of how quickly the Play Store review will process things.


New version published on the Play Store should have this issue fixed now. Thanks again for the report.


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