Unable to restore from S3 backup - Fails

I’m unable to restore from a S3 Backup of Discourse.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Have a Backup of Discourse on S3.
  2. Setup a fresh install of Discourse.
  3. Create admin account.
  4. Connect Discourse to S3
  5. Locate the Discourse backup in my S3 backup lists
  6. Enable restore
  7. Attempt restore
  8. Restore Fails


I’ve tried everything I could with troubleshooting S3. I even attempted to move the backup to the server, and performed a CLI / Manual restore. It fails with the same log. I’ve tried turning off S3 Uploads. I’m unsure what my next troubleshooting steps are, or how to see exactly what post is causing the issue / remove it.

Thank you for any help!

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Welcome! :blob_wave:

Does “everything” include looking at similar error logs here?


This result in particular:

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I followed these instructions, and I recieved 9 posts from the quarry. The old post doesn’t detail what to do with these posts, or how to correct the issue past this point.

:warning: This is what ask.discourse.org returns, I cannot guarantee it’s safe or that it even works

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So I was able to just delete all 9 posts using the following Rails command:

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Did you run this while the restore was paused?