Unable to use internal S3 due to internal CA certificate authority

We are using MinIO as an S3 endpoint for an internal Discourse, and it doesn’t seem to want to work with the internal resources because we use an internal CA authority.

Is there any way to get Discourse to use S3 and verify the SSL certificate by providing it the custom CA certificate to validate against?

Going into the app (Dockerized) with launcher enter app and then adding the certificate to the ca-certificates store works to get openssl s_client -connect discourse.s3.internal.domain to connect AND validate the certificates (verify code: OK (0)) but apparently it doesn’t work for Discourse - gives this error on the Discourse page when trying to upload:

SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed (unspecified certificate verification error)

Did you restart the container after adding the certificate? (just a guess, that may not help)

Did you restart the container after adding the certificate? (just a guess, that may not help)

Yep, tried that but it did nothing.

Does Discourse keep a separate cert store independent of the container/system cert store?