Understanding and managing post notices

:bookmark: This guide explains what post notices are and how you can manage and configure them for your site.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Administrator

This documentation topic covers:

  • What post notices are and their purpose
  • How to disable and configure them

What are post notices

Post Notices are ways to encourage kindness to users who are either new to the community, or have not posted in the community in a while. They are visible to all users who are a certain Trust Level, except the user to whom the notice applies.

Here is an example of how they are displayed:

Configuring post notices

The following can be adjusted under your site’s Admin settings.

  • new user notice tl: The minimum trust level required to see new user post notices (Set as trust level 2 by default)
  • returning user notice tl: The minimum trust level to see returning user post notices (Set as trust level 2 by default)
  • old post notice days: The number of days of which the post notice is considered “old” and where the background color and emphasis are removed. (Set to 14 days by default)
  • returning users days: The number of days that need to past for the user to be considered returning. (Set to 120 days by default)

It is also possible to modify the text that is shown on post notices in the site text settings under the Admin menu and search “post.notice”.

Disabling post notices

:information_source: Here’s a useful guide for adding custom CSS to your site by quickly creating a new theme component.

Add the following CSS to your site:

.post-notice {
  display: none;

Alternatively, you can disable individual types of notices by including one or more of the following, depending on what you wish to disable:

.post-notice.new-user {
  display: none;

.post-notice.returning-user {
  display: none;

.post-notice.old {
  display: none;

:warning: Note that this CSS could also remove some staff notices, so make sure you test and refine your CSS as needed.


Q. Is it possible to disable Post Notices without creating a new theme?
A. This is possible by setting new user notice tl and returning user notice tl to trust level 4. While members who are trust level 4 would still be able to view them, the vast majority of users in a community aren’t trust level 4 and therefore wouldn’t see the post notice.

Q. Is it possible to remove a post notice from a specific user/post?
A. You can do this by clicking the :wrench: menu on the post and removing the post notice.

Additional resources

:writing_hand: This topic was originally written by @HamMan2118.

Last edited by @hugh 2024-09-18T10:16:27Z

Last checked by @hugh 2024-09-18T06:35:54Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

I would add a warning to that paragraph, because some of those code snippets will also hide staff notices that you add.
And maybe it’ better to add them in a new theme component, which you can add to your current theme, instead of creating a whole new theme.


I added that warning, and also linked to this guide to help folks add custom CSS to their site: Make CSS changes on Your Site


Right now this one is in two of them. Also, while the configuration is only important for admins, the general information about post notices is interesting for all members who can see them