Understanding the new member process


As I am trying to understand the Discourse platform, I am wondering how customizable the new member process is. For instance:

*Can I require a new member to agree to Community Guidelines before completing the signup process?
*Can I require a new member to fill out, say, 10 fields before joining?
*Can I make forums public, read-only, when a visiting reader attempts to reply to a discussion, they are prompted to create an account; after they create the account, they are redirected back to the post they wanted to add a reply to?
*Can I customize the ‘help’ text that orients a new member to our site?


For all questions the answer is yes except for

Default is 3: https://meta.discourse.org/t/maximum-number-of-custom-user-fields/28775

Do you really need it?


For reference, this is the only way to do it. Users cannot interact with the site (other than reading) without an account.

Any text you see on Discourse can be customized. Visit yoursite.com/admin/customize/site_texts and search for the text you wish to change.