Uninstalled Discourse... error page still shows?

I’ve removed Discourse in order to try and fix some unrelated web pages however a discourse (i believe) related error page shows when trying to access my domain?

I should have uninstalled Discourse and Docker… and yet the page still shows?

What am i doing wrong? Debating re-installing my OS (Ubuntu 16.04) but would prefer to avoid doing so. Using nginx for my webserver.


Thank you, that was fast :slight_smile:

@featheredtoast is there any way to detect “offline” vs “there is absolutely no website there anymore” agree it is rather confusing to be presented this.

It’s one of the downsides of caching, since that page is shown when it can’t connect universally, as a client has no way of automatically detecting the difference.

I’d personally be in favor of enhancing the offline page, and giving some more details, and possibly with a button/link that uninstalls the service worker in the event that the visitor actually wants to remove it because they know the site’s gone.