Unread & New not clearing from Categories

For the last two days (since Friday morning at least), our “unread” and “new” are not clearing in the Category version of the forum.
Since I noticed this on Friday, I paid more attention to it today. When I enter the forum for the first time of the day, the “unread” and “new” are listed at the top, while there are none in the individual categories.

After reading all the new/unread posts, the top menus clear, but the categories still show them.


This is happening here on Beta for me as well, I came in this morning and clicked through all the unread/new and when I went to “Categories”, I saw this (not the only one, but they’re spread out):


Again, nothing at the top



There are several of us having this issue, so there are several browsers involved (Chrome/Edge/Safari), all are updated to latest versions.

On Friday, I had this at 5am and they didn’t clear for me until afternoon.

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hmm i cannot reproduce this. :thinking:

maybe try safe mode?

i made an account on your forum but i’m still waiting for new activity to show up so i can see what’s going on.

I tried safe mode, and there was a couple of new posts in my forum, but the same thing happened. I clicked on the new posts and when I went back to Categories, they were gone from the top of the page, but still showed as “unread” in the individual categories.

Am I the problem child now?

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hah. no. i always trust the user’s experience. if it’s an issue for you and your forum, it’s an issue to be investigated. if it’s still happening in safe mode that rules out some things…

i thought i had reproduced this on your site but when i refreshed the browser the latest counts match. when you reload the forum page, do your counts correct?

i just logged in and it’s showing accurately to me as (2) unread and 1 each under Outlands and Fun and Games categories. are you and your users still having this issue?

Yes we are, in fact one more person has come and said it’s happening to them.

I just read everything here and went to Categories, and there’s no notifications at the top, yet in the Support category, it shows 1 unread and 2 new.

very strange indeed. my counts are all accurate for me on your site, my site and here on Meta. :woman_shrugging:

I’ve tried logging out/back in, clearing cache/cookies. It still persists.

It’s not a glaring problem, but its annoying. I’m just at a loss for the next step.

i simply cannot reproduce this on your site or any Discourse site, or on any browser i am using. the counters always appear to be accurate to me. very odd :thinking:

Maybe it will just go away on its own, like it mysteriously appeared.

Thanks for looking into it.

I’m not sure if this is specific to our site or more general. If anybody else has noticed it, please let me know; if it’s specific to our site, I will contact the team as this is a hosted site with some specific components.

When I get to our homepage


Following the “unread” link in the second screenshot shows one topic and I read it. Go two steps back and the “unread” counter in the first screenshot will be updated but the “unread” counter in the second screenshot does not get updated / disappear. I’ll have to refresh the page.

Thanks in advance.

In the past it used to work as expected; issue started (from memory) two or three weeks ago.

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I posted something similar here: Unread & New not clearing from Categories

It started for me last Friday (May 12) and seems to have disappeared as of yesterday.


In the past, when I read new topics, or “Dismiss New,” then return to the forum home page, the new topic counts reflect the changed totals.
This behavior changed recently. The forum is no longer updating the new topic counts when I view or dismiss new topics.

At first, I thought this was a Firefox issue, as it seemed to begin shortly after a Firefox update came out. But I’m seeing it in a Chromium-based browser (Vivaldi) and MS Edge (on Windows 10) as well, so I suspect it is a Discourse issue. I also see it on this forum (meta.discourse.org), in addition to Plex.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start with this. Note the totals at the top, and in each section (screenshot from Plex forum):

  2. Click on the “2 new” under General Discussions.

  3. Click on one of the new topics to view it (or click “Dismiss New”).

  4. Click on the Plex logo at the top left to return to the forum Home page.

Note that the counts on each category are unchanged, even though you have either read or dismissed some or all of the new topics. The count at the top seems to keep up.

Refreshing the browser fixes the issue, but this was never necessary before.


i just reproduced this on Meta with Chrome on windows desktop and also Safari iOS on ipad. also repro’d on my site.

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I think this may be the same as Counters (unread, new) not updating, and possibly Unread & New not clearing from Categories

If we can confirm I’ll merge them all together. :+1: :slight_smile:

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I’m the second link in your post and that’s exactly what I’m seeing on my forum and here on Meta.


I have merged them all into this original one. :+1: I think this has been quite tricky to pin down so far, but at least having all the reports in one place should make it easier to track. :crossed_fingers:


I also have been having a conversation with the team in a PM here. No resolution yet, but we’re working on it.


This appears to be fixed. Thanks!


Indeed @kris.kotlarek just fixed it recently :hugs: