Uploads now generate Markdown like:

does this:
def embedded_image_html(upload)
image_width = [upload.width, SiteSetting.max_image_width].compact.min
image_height = [upload.height, SiteSetting.max_image_height].compact.min
%Q[<img src="#{upload.url}" width="#{image_width}" height="#{image_height}"><br/>]
Should this be updated to use the new format? If so, should it call whatever it is that generates the new format (and if so, where do I find that?) or just do it like
def embedded_image_html(upload)
image_width = [upload.width, SiteSetting.max_image_width].compact.min
image_height = [upload.height, SiteSetting.max_image_height].compact.min
upload_name = upload.url.split('/').last
Edit: well, that doesn’t quite work…