Upgrading Discourse from 2.6.0.beta2

A friend asked me if I could help them with some “maintenance” on their Discourse server running on a DigitalOcean Droplet… it’s on version 2.6.0.beta2. I can’t seem to find a migration guide and the scripts provided keep failing and I’m getting a message about visiting this url for Postgres upgrading: PostgreSQL 13 update. This didn’t seem to help as the config file already has the line it suggest changing/adding.

Are we out of luck here with this being so out of date?

The best way to upgrade is to make a new install and restore that database to the new site. Their os is out of date anyway


Awesome, thanks! I’m sure I can fumble my way through that, though I see you’re a Discourse expert… do you have a guide you’d recommend?

All good, it was easier than I thought, longest part was letting the setup script run… I just restored the site from a backup like you said and voilà, up and running again with latest software!


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