Help needed migrating to new server

Hello! I am the admin at a Discourse community called Online Arsenal. It is a fairly active forum about Arsenal FC.

We have been facing an issue for a while now where Discourse needs to be updated. The person who used to handle this for us is no longer available, and we currently lack the knowledge to resolve this ourselves. :face_exhaling:

In addition to needing an update, we’ve noticed that the site is becoming a bit slower. We are currently running version 2.9.0beta6. Discourse is hosted on DigitalOcean. We contacted DO a while ago in regards to updating Discourse, and they informed us that our droplet is outdated. It was created with an Ubuntu 14.04 image. DigitalOcean recommended an Ubuntu upgrade and migration to a new server. They provided this documentation as guidance: Migrate Discourse Forum to Another Server - Gulshan Kumar

However, this requires more technical knowledge than our admins currently have.

So, my question is:

Can someone help us out? I have no idea where to start, which is why I’m asking for help here.

Thanks in advance!


Welcome to meta! :wave:

Some steps here:

Not an official guide.

If you can’t understand that Post, or don’t feel confident learning how to do each step, strongly suggest posting in marketplace to get a seasoned freelancer to help you (at reasonable cost).

(NB you can simply change the Category of this Post to marketplace if you agree with my suggestion)

To resolve this issue permanently you might also consider moving your site to managed hosting either via Discourse team or other providers like Communiteq.


Thanks for the suggestion! Will change the category


I’ve done this sort of thing in the past, so I’m sending a PM.

To echo @merefield, the longterm solution might be moving to a hosting service that specializes in Discourse. I’ve put together a guide:


Thanks for the quick help @pfaffman

Issue resolved! :white_check_mark: