There is a way to open Discourse and filter by category, by adding “/c/categoryName” to the URL.
There is also a way to have Discourse display the UI to create a new topic of a particular category, by adding “/new-topic?category=categoryName” to the URL.
I wonder, is there a way to combine the above two scenarios, i.e. to construct a URL that would display the topics filtered by a particular category and at the same time offer the user to create a topic of the same category?
Now when you try to create a new topic by clicking on button + New Topic on “bug” categories page the category “bug” will be pre-selected in composer.
If you want users to have a link to create topics on “bug” category as soon as they land on your forum just hand them this URL:
Hello Arpit, thank you for the answer! The two links you sent work as expected, but I would like to combine them. shows the list of all the topics of the category “bug” creates a new topic of the category “bug”
But can I have a URL to create a new topic of the category “bug” and at the same time have the list behind already filtered by the category “bug”? With the second link the list includes all categories.