Use "Last checked by" timestamp to search / filter posts

Is there a simple way to search or filter posts by the “last checked by” date appended by the automation plugin?

I’d love to quickly identify wiki posts that are getting “stale” to have staff regularly go through make sure things are still accurate.

It looks like the timestamp is just in the body of the post, not in its properties. I could probably just crawl my own site and use some regex to pull the timestamps into a list, but I was hoping there might be some built-in method of accomplishing this.

Hello and welcome @jcarlson :slight_smile:

I believe that info is stored in the topic_custom_fields table with the name of discourse_automation_last_checked_at (and another for last_checked_by).

If you have the data explorer you could use a query to pull out a list of topics based on that info.


Well, I think I will be adding the Data Explorer! Thank you!

I didn’t realize those attributes were being stored. Would I see topic_custom_fields anywhere in the post’s JSON, or is it stored someplace else?

We’re on week two of running our org’s Discourse, and still getting settled in.

Just got Data Explorer running. This is fantastic!

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