Use Tag Groups to Sort the /tags Page

Would it be possible to use these Tag Groups to organize the Tags page, or sidebar block?

Here’s a quick before and after of my community I hacked with the HTML.


more-neighbours-yyc is an organization

housing, planning, development, land-use, etc. are that organization’s interests depending on the topic.

Separating the categories on this page would help users feel more confident tagging their posts, and in navigating our forum for these different tagging purposes.

Someone from more-neighbours-yyc posting about development would be likelier to use both. So, a new user interested in development, could use the “interests” tab on the tag page to find the topic posted by more-neighbours-yyc, without needing to search for, or even know about the organization!

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Like here at Meta?

You can configure this with the tags listed by group site setting


Oh hey! Check that out. Hopefully there are enough keywords in this to make it show up on Google for the next chump.

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However, the secondary interest of this post still stands, it would be nice to have a better interface for adding tags to groups.

I imagine even something like YouTube’s tag editor would work, a completed tag becomes a little bubble, and you can keep expanding the text box out.