Username template cannot found


I have strange issue with username, my board is using RTL and unique language for Arabic keywords…

The username is set to English words, but when I check the logs it’s show me that the user profile template cannot found… Because it’s in Arabic keywords …

When I check the username to change it’s set to English, but in error it’s show me Arabic keyword…

Here is the full error.


ActionView::Template::Error (No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller=>"users", :username=>"دعم_المجتمع"}, possible unmatched constraints: [:username]
Did you mean?  user_url
app/controllers/about_controller.rb:16:in `block (2 levels) in index'
app/controllers/about_controller.rb:14:in `index'
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:387:in `block in with_resolved_locale'
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:387:in `with_resolved_locale'
lib/middleware/omniauth_bypass_middleware.rb:71:in `call'
lib/content_security_policy/middleware.rb:12:in `call'
lib/middleware/anonymous_cache.rb:354:in `call'
config/initializers/100-quiet_logger.rb:23:in `call'
config/initializers/100-silence_logger.rb:31:in `call'
lib/middleware/enforce_hostname.rb:23:in `call'
lib/middleware/request_tracker.rb:198:in `call'


actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/journey/formatter.rb:44:in `path'
actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:823:in `url_for'
actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:270:in `call'
actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:326:in `block in define_url_helper'
activerecord ( lib/active_record/relation/delegation.rb:88:in `each'
activerecord ( lib/active_record/relation/delegation.rb:88:in `each'
actionview ( lib/action_view/base.rb:247:in `public_send'
actionview ( lib/action_view/base.rb:247:in `_run'



I believe we must fix this from inside container since in admin panel I try everything but not working.

Any suggestions?

any suggestion how to apply unique caratars on discourse ? so we can use username’s in arabic language, or with unique utf-8 encoding ?

I’m afraid I don’t have experience with Arabic usernames, but is this a case where the unicode usernames could help?

Correct, it’s already checked but still the problem; but now error changed;


NoMethodError (undefined method `url' for nil:NilClass)
app/models/badge.rb:306:in `image_url'
(eval):10:in `_fast_attributes'
lib/freedom_patches/ams_include_without_root.rb:54:in `include!'
lib/freedom_patches/ams_include_without_root.rb:54:in `include!'
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:510:in `render_json_dump'
app/controllers/users_controller.rb:97:in `block (2 levels) in show'
app/controllers/users_controller.rb:89:in `show'
app/controllers/users_controller.rb:103:in `show_card'
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:387:in `block in with_resolved_locale'
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:387:in `with_resolved_locale'
lib/middleware/omniauth_bypass_middleware.rb:71:in `call'
lib/content_security_policy/middleware.rb:12:in `call'
lib/middleware/anonymous_cache.rb:356:in `call'
config/initializers/100-quiet_logger.rb:23:in `call'
config/initializers/100-silence_logger.rb:31:in `call'
lib/middleware/enforce_hostname.rb:23:in `call'
lib/middleware/request_tracker.rb:198:in `call'


app/models/badge.rb:306:in `image_url'
active_model_serializers (0.8.4) lib/active_model/serializer.rb:99:in `block in attribute'
(eval):10:in `_fast_attributes'
active_model_serializers (0.8.4) lib/active_model/serializer.rb:468:in `rescue in attributes'
active_model_serializers (0.8.4) lib/active_model/serializer.rb:455:in `attributes'
active_model_serializers (0.8.4) lib/active_model/serializer.rb:480:in `_serializable_hash'
active_model_serializers (0.8.4) lib/active_model/serializer.rb:359:in `serializable_hash'
active_model_serializers (0.8.4) lib/active_model/serializer.rb:448:in `block in merge_association'
active_model_serializers (0.8.4) lib/active_model/serializer.rb:445:in `each'
active_model_serializers (0.8.4) lib/active_model/serializer.rb:445:in `merge_association'



Seems the problem in the badge section in my forum; but im trying to run this command on container but i don’t know how;


This command would fix the badge issue; but i would apprecaite if someone provide how to run this command ? or where ?

[1] pry(main)> Discourse.system_user.create_user_profile
ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "user_profiles_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (user_id)=(-1) already exists.

from /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/rack-mini-profiler-2.3.3/lib/patches/db/pg.rb:69:in `exec_params'
Caused by PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "user_profiles_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (user_id)=(-1) already exists.

from /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/rack-mini-profiler-2.3.3/lib/patches/db/pg.rb:69:in `exec_params'


Why do you believe so? I don’t think the create_user_profile method is meant to be run manually, is run by Discourse after a user is created discourse/user.rb at main · discourse/discourse · GitHub
That is why you get the duplicate key value error, because you are trying to create user profiles that already exist.

I tried to replicate this error by creating a user account with username دعم_المجتمع and I also tested it with an account with an English username, both had the interface language set to Arabic, and it works fine.

I don’t think this issue is related to the language or templates anymore, but to the badges missing images, as you pointed out here Badge image missing issue

Your correct; anyway this is a backup and i restore it and it’s working fine… the issue only with badge images; and i try to run the command

rake uploads:clean_up
rake posts:rebake

but still same issue…

[2] pry(main)> Discourse.system_user.create_user_profile
ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "user_profiles_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (user_id)=(-1) already exists.

from /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/rack-mini-profiler-2.3.3/lib/patches/db/pg.rb:69:in `exec_params'
Caused by PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "user_profiles_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (user_id)=(-1) already exists.

from /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/rack-mini-profiler-2.3.3/lib/patches/db/pg.rb:69:in `exec_params'
[3] pry(main)> 

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