Users don't get confirmation e-mail

Hello dear support team!

New users don’t get confirmation e-mail.
Could you please assist me with solving this problem.

Thank you in advance

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Troubleshoot email on a new Discourse install


Thank you very much! But it is been working well after the installation.
But around 1 month ago this problem appeared.

Command ./discourse-doctor doesn’t work at all

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Those remain the steps to troubleshoot.

What do you mean they it doesn’t work at all? What happens?

Thank you very much for your message.
Actually forum works well. But when i tried to test new user it doesn’t send me confirmation email from By the way I made a test configuration of this email. I got messages on this email, but discourse didn’t sent confirmations from this email. It worked well till the March 2024. What could happened? Second part of the question when i open Terminal, type password and paste ./discourse-doctor it says there is no such directory.

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I am at the process of installation, i faced this line. What should i paste here?

notification email address? [ # (address to send notifications from)]: nobody@discourse

My forum address is

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Could you please check these settings that i made while the installation

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What data should i type?

The notification address needs to be an address that your smtp is configured to send as.

Can I put everywhere on this screenshot?

From your smtp username, I’d guess you have set up your server to send for

Timeweb does not provide post for second domain
What should I do?
And why it worked well before?

Perhaps look at the logs at the provider. If it worked before then something must have changed with them

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