Using Samsung A8 Tablet

I’m encountering 2 problems on the Directory Opus (DO) forum which uses Discourse. They directed me here suggesting that it was not their issue.

First when I do a search on the DO site the “More” at the bottom of the search results isn’t accessible by my finger. It’s like the top part of the “More” is visible but the bottom is below the bottom of the browser. If I try to click on it with my finger I end up getting the last search result.

Second when I’m typing up a new post there are no scroll bars. There’s no way to go up or down in the post once it exceeds the size of the post box without going character by charcter. I’m typing this on my Window’s 64 laptop and I see there are scroll bars on this forum using my Window’s Brave browser but using Android Brave may be a very different thing. is a Discourse site by the looks of things?


I would guess so:

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I cannot reproduce your problems using my Samsung Galaxy S9 FE.

I can reach the more button here easily. Can you reproduce this issue here at meta?
It is likely an issue with the theme at Can you reproduce the issue in safe mode, so when you open Issues with themes are the reason why it is usually more helpful when admins ask for help, because they are responsible for their customizations.

And I can also scroll within the composer while the keyboard is closed


Directory Opus uses Discourse their developer sent me here.

Yes, they use Discourse.

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Just confirming, do the same issue reproduce on this very site (

We need to rule out any extensions.


Your search overlay scrolls DO’s does not. However, I cannot scroll through the replies once I start to reply here. I can only see the bottom of the post I’m responding to. Now it’s making a liar out of me. It started scrolling but I don’t know what I did. Now I got this error

If I go to DO in safe mode the scrolling works and I can access the more button.

No, it works fine on Meta.

This is because you had multiple tabs with the composer.

I had your Home page open but nort 2 forums.