Using user cards to quickly view information about others

:bookmark: This guide explains what user cards are, how they work, and what information they display in Discourse.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: All users

User cards in Discourse provide a quick and convenient way to view essential information about other users without navigating to their full profile page. This feature enhances user interaction and allows for easy personalization.

What are user cards?

User cards are pop-up windows that appear when you click on a user’s avatar or username in various places within Discourse, such as:

  • Inside a topic
  • On topic listing pages (e.g. Latest)
  • On user mentions (e.g. @Discourse)

Information displayed on user cards

User cards show an overview of a user’s profile information, including:

  • Avatar
  • Username, name, and title
  • “About me” description (first three lines if lengthy)
  • Featured topic (if set)
  • Website (if set)
  • Location (if set)
  • Last post date and join date
  • Read time and recent read time (in total, and within the last 60 days)
  • Trust level badge and two top (or favorite) badges
  • User card background (if set)

Depending on the plugins your community has enabled, you may also see:

Additional features

User cards offer more than just information display and have several other interactive options as well:

  1. Profile access: Clicking the avatar or username on a user card takes you to the user’s full profile.

  2. Message: A convenient way to contact the person via personal message.

  3. Chat: Quick access to start a personal chat. (requires Discourse Chat)

  4. Post filtering: For users with multiple posts in a topic, a filter button with their post count appears. Clicking this filters the topic to show only that user’s posts.

:nerd: For anyone interested in the underlying magic of this feature, it appends ?username_filters=USERNAME to the end of the topic URL to achieve the filtered view

  1. Follow: Add the user to your Following list and be notified when they post (requires Discourse Follow)

  2. Suspension indicator: User cards can also indicate if a user has been suspended (this can be disabled per site):

Adding favorite badges

To select the two badges that appear next to your Trust Level badge on the user card, navigate to your badges page and select up to two badges using the star icon in the lower right corner:

Hiding your user card

If you prefer not to have your user card visible to others:

  1. Go to your user Preferences/Interface page
  2. Enable the “Hide my public profile and presence features” option in the ‘Others’ section.

This setting will hide the profile details from your user card (as well as your user profile and badges page).

Additional resources

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-07-02T13:58:32Z

Last checked by @hugh 2024-07-02T06:22:58Z

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