Viewing open / archived or closed topics

“/more” definitely doesn’t work but I think there is a different way to get page 2. @Mittineague what do you use in your extension?

I did notice that my bugs tab is a bit buggy lately, will have a look to see what regressed

Does it work for categories still? I can’t seem to make it work for a category?

It does, our “bugs” link goes to which works fine

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Apologies for those that don’t have access, but I believe @sam and @zogstrip do (and if you feel the info should be copied here, let me know)

But I compiled a list of what querystrings I could find that work, where it works, and the ones that I can’t seem to get to work.

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Can you share it pleasee here.
So wh can sww ehic of querys works

Taken from our Discourse Instance:

You can append these to the querystring of most URLs to get a custom filtered view

Ones that I am able to use


  • open - Open Topics Only
  • closed - Closed Topics Only
  • archived - Archived Topics Only
  • visible - Visible Topics Only
  • invisible - Invisible Topics Only
  • deleted - Deleted Topics Only (this is available as of 1.2.0 beta3)


Creates a full page of search results instead of the limited search view using the search icon. Replace the _ with your search terms.


  • muted - Show topics I’ve muted
  • regular - Show topics I have set to regular
  • tracking - Show topics I’m tracking
  • watching - Show topics I’m watching


Show the topics by date in ascending order (value must be “true”, default is descending order)


  • likes - by like count
  • op_likes - by likes on the Original Post
  • views - by views
  • posts - by post count (replies)
  • activity - by last activity date (a.k.a. bumped_at)
  • posters - by the number of participants
  • category - by category
  • created - by topic creation date


Returns topics with post counts of _ or lower.


Returns topics with post counts of _ or greater.

I can only get these to work on the Latest page


Accepts a comma delimited string of topic_ids.


Accepts a category name (case-sensitive). Doesn’t seem to work for sub-categories.

Ones that I can’t seem to get to work…


Hides the Category Definition Topics


Shows topics for a given category.


Hides sub-categories for a given category (must be used with category=__)


Limit the number of topics per page?


Accepts a comma delimited string of topic_ids.


That’ll be part of the URL, which is why you can’t get it to work. :‌-)

/c/meta/latest -> category=meta


That makes sense. Didn’t think of that when I was testing them.