Vimeo links uploaded after 2020-12-18 play without audio on ipad using DiscourseHub

I don’t know what happened on December 18, 2020, but Vimeo links posted on any Discourse site play without audio when using the iOS DiscourseHub app (at least on iPad, I don’t have an iPhone to test). Also, clicking on the progress bar makes the video permanently freeze.

Videos created before Dec 18 are unaffected by this (I post Vimeo links every day, so I was able to narrow it down to this date).

Here’s an example link without any embed restrictions On desktop it plays fine, but if you use the DiscourseHub app on an iPad, there’s no sound and it freezes if you jump forwards/backwards.

Also, some of my users have reported this behavior when using Chrome and Safari on iPad, but using those browsers works well on my iPad.

Tested on iPhone 7 Plus, iOS 14.4, DiscourseHub app. Everything works fine. :slight_smile:

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Can you share a link for a post affected and one for an unaffected?

This one works: Vimeo Embed not working on my site due to Vimeo server IP blacklisting - #2 by codinghorror

And the one I just posted is an example that doesn’t work

Thanks for looking into it. It might be an iPad thing then.


No issue on my iPad mini running iOS 14.4 but can repro on my iPad Pro, weird!

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Yeah, I have an iPad Pro on 14.4 Super weird

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I can reproduce on iPad on 14.3 and 14.4 on DiscourseHub, no repro on iPhone. No repro on iPad simulator either. Not sure what we can do about it.

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I contacted Vimeo and they said they “do not support use of the Vimeo Player within webapps, in-app browsers, or hybrid apps”, so not much help on their part. Some of my users mentioned they also saw the issue using Chrome and Safari. @pmusaraj @merefield I’d be curious to know if you can reproduce on those browsers on the iPad (I couldn’t). That way at least we might get access to a console error.


No repro on Safari iOS for me. (And Chrome iOS is same as Safari under the hood.)

I can hook up a console log for the DiscourseHub webview on a real device, will try to do that next week and see if anything shows up there.


Hi Penar,

Were you able to see anything in the console?

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Sorry for the delay, Nacho. I just tried this out and I can’t figure it out. There are no errors in the webview console. There is an error in the device console but it’s there whether the audio plays or not (FWIW the error is Required client entitlement is missing.

So, I don’t know what to make of this.


Thanks for trying anyway!

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Actually, I just tried and it seems that Vimeo fixed something because the issue seems to have resolved by itself. :man_shrugging:

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Indeed, fixed on my iPad too. Awesome, closing!

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