Virtual Keyboard hides critical editor buttons for 3.3.0-beta

The Gramps FOSS Discourse support forum is a hosted instance provided by the Discourse project. (Thank you)

A recent update makes the new posting Editor less usable on small mobile devices (smart phones)
When replying to a Topic, all the features are accessible. Even after clicking in the (tiny) composing space, the Virtual Keyboard slides up and squashes the content to leave the buttons accessible. (Although the split screen for composing/preview is insane on a screen this small)

But the “New Topic” is a different story. The key controls are completely inaccessible. The text editing space is completely hidden.

Example in Firefox for Android 14 on Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G

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Hi Brian :slight_smile:

It looks like you may have switched to desktop view on that device.

Could you try switching back to the mobile view and see if that helps?


That’s better. (Although the icon to switch to Mobile is a bit of an Easter Egg. You have to know to select the Hamburger menu icon to reveal it.)

We used to have a custom prompt in the text area. ((Please include your Gramps version and Operating System)) Now you’ve dragooned that for your prompt (Select a category before typing here) which shifts our custom prompt to run off the screen appended to the right of the “Create a new Topic” prompt.

Thanks @JammyDodger

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There is also a theme-component which shows a banner when you use desktop view on mobile.

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That looks cool. Unfortunately, the free hosted system doesn’t really allow add-ons.

We’re serving as crash test dummies teetering on the bleeding edge. Which is a good trade-off for an Open Source project, like us.

(We would have jumped on a plug-in like Discourse Translator to make things easier for our international users… since Discourse doesn’t play well with Google Translate.)

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Don’t mobile keyboards take up like, half the screen anyway? So it’s bound to cover up some stuff (e.g. post replies when editing a post).

Except that the Reply CSS correctly pushed the buttons above the virtual keyboard. But the New Topic does not.

The difference seems to be that the Reply starts with the Text box inactive. (So no virtual keyboard) The New Topic starts with the text box as the insert point so the Virtual Keyboard is visible.

You can have theme-component on the Free plan. :+1: (But your plugin are the ones available on the Standard plan, and Translator is currently available on the Enterprise plans).

(The Basic plan, however, doesn’t allow theme components)

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Great! We are in crunch time… 2 weeks to a new release of our genealogy software. So I will set a 1-month reminder to talk to our webmaster about that Desktop-Theme-on-a-Mobile banner.

The Translator probably is unlikely to be in our future.

Do you know if there is a bug posted about Google Translate navigating back to the Top of the domain when you switch languages? (Users have to browse back down to the posting again after the language change.)

This theme-component might interest you. It will display a banner on mobile if in desktop mode.

There is also one called admin Warnings that will give a warning prompt if Tl4 & staff if replying to a closed topic

There is also one that will display a banner if a user is viewing the site offline

Adds some quality of life.

Those are great! Thanks @Heliosurge

Thanks to everyone.

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