Visibility of assign action posts is controlled by whispers allowed groups

Is it intentional that the visibility of the assign-related small action posts, when assigns public is disabled, is controlled by whispers allowed groups? For me, that is an unexpected connection; I expected the visibility would be based on assign allowed on groups.

If the user is in an assign allowed on groups group but not in a whispers allowed groups group, they can only see small action posts created by themselves.

If I add them to the whispers allowed groups, they can see the other posts too.

Therefore, a user who is not in an assign allowed on groups group but is allowed to see whispers can see all the assign action posts.


Thanks, Moin! I have repro. That’s a weird little edge case!

  1. create test user, create test group and add user to test group
  2. create category, give test group access
  3. deselect assigns_public
  4. add test group to whispers_allowed_groups and assign_allowed_on_groups
  5. create test topic in category, assign it to someone
  6. as test user, see the assignment small action post
  7. remove test group from whisper_allowed_groups
  8. as test user, refresh screen and no longer see assignment small action post

The use of whispers for the action posts probably worked very well when whispers and assigns were only for staff.

By the way: my small action posts don’t look like whispers, so there is no indicator that they are hidden.


OK sounds good! We’ll add this to our list.