Website doesn't support onebox

The aim of my discourse is for designers to communicate. I need to add an onebox which is the largest design website in our country . But this website does not support onebox.What should I do?

In order for the link to come up as a onebox they need to have opengraph or oembed meta tags


You see what you see when you paste the site into

Then you ask the site why they don’t follow the standards that make their site usable.

If required you pay to have a custom plugin developed or become a customer of as customer needs are taken care of first.

Is there a reason not to share the site name here? There is no way to diagnose the problem without being able to see it. What if you paste a link here or in try what happens?


link: .I saw the site showed “no embeds for that URL” when I pasted the site.If I pay to a custom plugin,what can I need to do?

I’d first contact the site administrators and ask if they’ll support the standard. It would make their site more useful all over the web, where developing a plugin for Discourse will make their site useful only on the few sites that choose to use the plugin.

You can post your request in marketplace. Be sure to include a budget. It’s unclear just how difficult it’ll be. My wild guess is in the US$500-$1500 range.


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