What are the costs to make the chat on Discourse available (externally on WordPress) available to guests?

Please check the title.

We are using our community forums for support purposes and we do like to extend it with a live chat on our main website, where both guests and users can chat externally.

I have been using some other chat extensions for 3rd party software, but I really prefer to use the chat functionality of Discourse, as I do like to keep the product support at one place.

Any thoughts on this one?

Thanks in advance.

Do you mean the costs for the hosted service from CDCK, or the costs in terms of resources?

Using the built-in chat feature doesn’t cost any extra.

Only logged in users can use chat, so if you want anonymous/not-logged-in users to chat, you’ll need to use something else.

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This sounds similar to what’s being asked for here: Embeddable chat that stages users