What is the minimum cpu speed needed to run discourse in terms of mhz?

What is the minimum cpu speed needed to run discourse in terms of mhz e.g for intel xeon cpus

It is nowhere stated officially besides 1gb ram.

I would like to know too how many GB space recommended is 1GB SSD sufficient - just plain discourse no files uploaded - uploaded files gi to aws.

As long as the cpu is from 2011 or later you should be ok.

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The local web server I built a few months ago uses a Xeon, the E3-1220v3. To my knowledge that is enterprise grade (and one of the “slowest” Xeon versions on the market).

It’s made for entry-level business class server applications. The hardware for my rig was peer reviewed by @elberet (bless him for putting up with my newbie antics). If he approved my choice to use the Xeon, then I think it will perform well for Discourse.

That, and as Jeff mentioned, it is ~2 years old (2013), we’ll above the 2011 floor stated.

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