I am trying to understand how many people are logging into my discourse every day, and tracking that from day to day. Is that the “user visits” stat, or does that include multiple visits by the same user?
Is there a way to see who precisely has logged in on a given day?
What does “User Visits” mean exactly?
If I go to the Discourse site, browse a bit, close the tab and come back an hour later in a new browser tab/window, while I am still the same person, same browser, will this count as 2 user visits or just 1?
What if I do the same, but my second visit is from a different device with the same user account?
What about users who are not logged in and only read? Do they count as user visits too?
BTW: The post below is not an answer, it lacks a precise definition of what the user visits are.
I think I am a little confused on how “User Visits” varies from “Logged In” pageviews.
My current understanding after reading a few different threads is:
User visits are unique logged in users that have been in the forum per the time period (today, yesterday, last 7 days, etc). Logged In Pageviews are every pageview for those same logged in users.
So if a user was in the forum and viewed 10 different pages, their user visit would be 1 and logged in pageviews would be 10.
@codinghorror I’m using the data explorer plugin to create a daily stats table. For user_visits, is it possible for a user to have more than one visit in a day? Or do all visits in a day get chunked into the same row? I’m seeing 1 daily visit as the max and I’m wondering if there’s an error in my query or if there’s actually a limit on this.
A user can only have one entry per day in the user_visits table. The table has a unique index on user_id,visited_at. The posts_read field of the day’s visits will get updated as the user reads more posts.
Where can I find the time Discourse starts counting it’s (our) day for user visits - or more accurately, where can I find the time the user visit routine runs. We have one user who has been trying to figure it out - to no avail in a couple of months. He has apparently missed 2 days in the past quarter.
The User Visits report shows the total number of User Visits in the forum for the selected time period (today, yesterday, last 7 days, month, etc).
Specifically, a User Visit is counted anytime a unique logged in user visits the site, up to once per day.
For example, if a user visited a site every day within a week, Discourse would count that as 7 user visits. This is why it’s possible to have more user visits in a month than your site has total users.