What software you use for blog.discourse.org?

I’m in the process of creating a new website, having Discourse as forums software. I plan to use the same approach you currently do:

  • a static frontpage
  • a /blog category
  • a /forums category (Discourse)

I like the blog format you use now, thank you for your suggestions.

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Wordpress :slight_smile:

There is a Discourse plugin which allows you to integrate the commenting (among other things).


Thank you, I was hoping it is Ghost for Docker or some Discourse plugin for Hugo. :slight_smile:
I’m thinking to use Hugo and embed the Discourse comments. If anyone else have suggestions, please share them. Since we use Docker for Discourse, it could also make sense to use a dockerized Ghost? I like the Hugo simplicity and speed.

I use ghost + Discourse for my blog at blog.codinghorror.com so yes that can work too.


That is great @codinghorror, any advice you have for Ghost integration with Discourse? I plan to use a multiple container configuration with Docker-CE.

just writing an updated answer that now Discourse appears to use Ghost on blog.discourse.org, for anyone who is curious