What to do when a TL0 mail gets moved to another category?

  • Someone (not a user) sends a mail to a category address.
  • A moderator moves that message to another category.
  • He then replies.
  • The original sender receives a mail
  • The original sender replies
  • The original sender gets a notification with an error about the topic being locked or removed

What if you need to move an incoming mail to another category/department?

Solution: always accept discourse+{key}@domain.ext mails if the original topic exists and is not locked. Even when it is moved to another category. That way the conversation can continue.

Things to consider:

  • Should the new category be set to accept anonymous mails?
  • Does it matter if the new category has an incoming mail address or not?
  • If it has an incoming mail address, the new category will have a different address of course, will that be a problem?
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Does this user have permission to reply in that category? Are you sure?

@zogstrip have we tested a simple topic rename / recategorize? I can’t think of any reason an email reply would be broken due to recategorize or rename between the time you read the topic and the time you reply to it via email.

Yes, that new category was set to accept anonymous mails. New user is TL0.

Does that new category also have correct permissions for TL0 to post via the web?

The only way to do that is to set the setting I mentioned in that quote.

Just pushed a fix that ensure replies via email to a topic initiated by an email always go through (even if moved to a restricted category)
