When you click on the AI button on the top menu while in the chat section, it does not show the editor

When you click on the AI ​​button on the top menu while in the chat section, it does not show the editor. When you go back to the main page, the text area appears. I think the AI ​​text editor opens in the background while in the chat section.

  1. example


I can’t see the video for some reason but I think @chapoi was looking at a z index issue here


It’s not z-index. The composer is hidden on chat pages. What needs to happen here, I would wager, is a route change back to forum then, and then the composer reopens. I don’t think we want to start opening the composer while in chat routes?

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I thought we support an open composer so you can write stuff while reading chat ? Remember we sized chat smaller on desktop for this?

On desktop sure, but a mobile screen for comfortable composing + reading chat seems… a tad unrealistic?


Yeah agree

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Hmm, this seems like a broader issue to me.

When I am within chat and try to open the composer, which is also possible via a user/group card “Message” button, it doesn’t do anything and breaks the current layout: the header vanishes from this moment on, and I can’t navigate back to Forum without a refresh.


If the AI ​​Composer feature will not be used in the chat area, I think it would be logical to hide the AI ​​icon from the chat pages.