Where to modify Signup call-to-action content text

at the admin->login panel,i enabled signup cta. and it will display a content box at the end of each post to promote sign up.
and i personally really donot like the emoji in it,and want modify the content.
i try to find the content text at admin panel but failed.
anybody know where&how to modify the text?

This sounds like you want to change the default wording, copy, to something custom.


These strings can be customized with client-side translation overrides, too.

@rwahmao - what changes did you want to make?

This “client-side” you mention. Is it related to this?

Looks like I have more studying to do, eh.

thx for ur reply:)
i just want to delete the emoji in the text.it looks wired in my site…

thx:).i am studying ur page

I’m talking about this:

I18n.translations.en.js.foo = "bar";
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hi,i found the text in the client-side translation. i deleted the emoji code, and saved the file.
after that,i refresh my browser and the emoji are still there !
did i miss something? or should i rebuilt the whole site? looking forward to ur reply?

Please read this before attempting to edit the Discourse source code:


had read the post,and didnot find my solution…:frowning: any suggestion?

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I think @riking implied to have you put his code snippet into the install’s head from the admin CP where you can directly edit the html.

It is a quick JavaScript edit and now I see why he said it was client-side. It renders from the client, not from the server that a plugin would do.

Paste between the <head>...</head> HTML tags where I surmise other JavaScript already resides.

Does not work on mobile though … also feels mighty hacky, we got to fix up local overrides.

That is probably why I was confused at first to it.