Why is my upload limit 100mb?It's set to 500mb

And then to rebuild?After I changed it, I get an error uploading the above file.

No, you do not need to rebuild anything.

well, let us know what error

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I’m curious. Is there some technical limitations for that? Or just common sense because disk space is awful expnsive?

I believe direct S3 upload needs some extra steps


How can I reverse the operation?

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SiteSetting.enable_direct_s3_uploads = false

If I use local storage from now on and don’t use s3, if I upload attachments to a post but don’t publish it or delete the post, will the attachments be deleted automatically? Or do I need to use the command to clean up the attachments periodically?

Is there a better way to load other videos on Discourse? In China youtube and other sites are blocked by gfw. So I can only try to put the videos on other servers and then add the connection to discourse.

There are a few ways to upload video through the composer to third party provider.


Video Upload to YouTube and Vimeo using Theme Component (i am not sure it’s still working I used to use this to upload videos to vimeo)

Now I use Discourse Video plugin to handle video uploads.

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The mux is paid for, otherwise it’s only 10 seconds.

I think configuring S3 and then setting the upload to S3 setting is what you want.

See Configure an S3 compatible object storage provider for uploads

I have max attachment size set to 150000 and SiteSetting.enable_direct_s3_uploads true.

It gets all the way to the end of the upload and then says Sorry, that file is too big (maximum size is 146.5 MB). Why not upload your large file to a cloud sharing service, then paste the link?. But the file is only 60MB.

I’m wondering if there may in fact be a bug here.

And I can upload a 9.xMB file and not a 10.x MB file.

Also strange (to me) is that a PDF gets a URL like https://example.com/uploads/short-url/hbsFNnLP3eXeAtBAcdah6lvTged.pdf that gets 302 directed to the S3 bucket and not through the CDN. I think this is on purpose for some reason? I checked and an uploaded image is served from the CDN.

Yes, for non-image and non-video file types the Content-Disposition: attachment header needs to be added, which cannot be done on S3 the CDN.

Source and source

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I’ve been trying to use s3 for a while now, but I finally checked the Discourse thread and realized that there’s no way to use s3 in China.

If you have cloudflare turned on, try turning it off (or clearing the cache on cf), or use your browser’s InPrivate browser.
I’ve never been able to upload files larger than 100mb before probably because of cf’s browser cache. The server settings are working, but the cache is preventing me from uploading files properly.

We have this enabled internally on a site which we upload multiple multi-gig files to regularly.

I am not sure… something is not documented correctly somewhere.

cc @martin / @tech-advocates