Why isn't Discourse more frequently recommended as a "community platform"?

I find myself in this space too. Teams can do a pretty reasonable job as a ‘forum’ in a smaller environment (say 100 users or less), but really struggles when things get big - or if other MS tenants are involved.

Well, there is DiscourseConnect for exactly that.

And Microsoft links work perfectly well from Discourse (once you train people to get and post them).


Meetings and emails are (like them or hate them) a central facet of corporate life. Discourse can do some elements of them brilliantly, but there are some glaring holes when attempting to apply it to internal corporate environments - especially around meetings.

Personally, I believe that adding a few features to Discourse Calendar (and Event) - #458 by joo would address this and supercharge Discourse for this use-case:

  1. Automatically insert events in appropriate users (email) calendars
  2. Intelligently manage email RSVPs
  3. Allow easy integration with a videoconferencing service
  4. Improved event creation UI