Why users sign up to receive e-mail especially slow?

Why users sign up to receive e-mail especially slow?Generally 10 minutes,But the test email is received in seconds ,Are Where incorrectly set?Thank you

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I’ll have a look.

By default we wait 10 minutes before sending an email notification (allowing users to edit their post and allowing us to roll-up notifications) but this should not be applied to sign-up emails.

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Yes, I do not know where the problem lies

I am using a corporate type mailbox,in China ,E-mail settings are as follows

  DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS: 'business@abc.com'

  ## TODO: The domain name this Discourse instance will respond to
  DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME: 'www.abc.com' 

  ## TODO: The mailserver this Discourse instance will use
  DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS: smtp.abc.com         # (mandatory)
  DISCOURSE_SMTP_PORT: 25                        # (optional)
  DISCOURSE_SMTP_USER_NAME: business@abc.com      # (optional)
  DISCOURSE_SMTP_PASSWORD: xxxx               # (optional, WARNING the char '#' in pw can cause problems!)
  DISCOURSE_SMTP_ENABLE_START_TLS: true           # (optional, default true)

This is not correct, is it? We wait 5 minutes for the edit grace period but after that, the email polling interval can be anywhere from immediately after the grace period ends to 5 minutes later itself.

Nope, the edit grace period is never used for email notifications. Whenever you get a notification (due to a group mention, a user mention, a post in a watched topic, a quote or a direct reply), we enqueue an email to be sent in “SiteSetting.email_time_window_mins” which defaults to 10 minutes.

@saluzi I just checked and signup emails are not delayed. Can you check in the skipped emails log (/admin/email/skipped) if they were skipped?


Thank you, Log everything is normal, Not being given, The current registered e-mail to be delayed 3 - 5 minutes, I do not know whether the problem of e-mail service provider (Service Links:企业邮箱_企业邮箱注册申请_企业邮箱价格_新网全球邮
However, send a test message very quickly ,In phpbb mail is also very fast

Is (by any chance) your sidekiq overloaded? You can check at “/sidekiq” and look for the number of jobs enqueued.


sidekiq work more slowly, How to improve the speed of it ?Thank you

What do you mean “it works more slowly”? How many jobs are enqueued?

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I do not understand, you help me look at it ,Thank you[quote=“zogstrip, post:10, topic:38396, full:true”]
What do you mean “it works more slowly”? How many jobs are enqueued?

Sidekiq looks fine, so the issue is somewhere else :neutral_face:

Is your instance public? I think it’d be easier if I have a look :wink:

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