Wiki is not available

Hello guys,
We want to use the Wiki / FAQ option.
But when we press on that entry where get the following error page:

Which means, this site does not exist or is private.

What did I do wrong that we lost the FAQ / Wiki?

Do I need to install a Plugin to get it work?

How can I set it up that it will forward to the internal FAQ / Wiki area in our discourse?

Thanks in advance,

Did you fill in the info about your company when you setup your forum?

Welcome to Meta :wave:

I am not sure I understand what you intent to do. I see you have added a link to the sidebar and you say it doesn’t work. Could you share the configuration of that link?
Is your FAQ/Wiki area a category?

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Yes I did that

Hello Moin,
I did not set up anything. This was given after starting Discourse.
Where can I configure that link so I can show it to you?
Because we don’t have a Wiki yet we also don’t have a category.
But we thought about creating a category and naming it Wiki. But I don’t know how to link it to the FAQ / Wiki button.

Apart from that we thought using the integrated FAQ / Wiki area from Discourse would be a better fit than creating a category.

You can add links to that section by clicking “more” and “customize this section.”

I still do not understand which integrated wiki area you are referring to. Every post can be a wiki, and I don’t think there is any default area for them. There is a category setting to make the first posts of a topic a wiki automatically when they are created. Configuring wiki settings

@NateDhaliwal’s question was related to /faq (FAQ - Discourse Meta), which is only created after entering a company name. Is that what you mean by FAQ area?


Thank you very much Moin :slight_smile: you are our hero.

One Question, how can I get this square look? And is this for top-category or also for sub categories?

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You can edit the desktop category page style to edit the style of your /categories page.

Here is the guide for subcategory boxes at the top of a category


You are the best. Thank you so much. Have a blessed day :slight_smile:

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