(Angus McLeod)
November 18, 2022, 10:59am
Hey @LeeNeighoff , welcome
First just checking you’ve gone through this topic? Sounds like you have but always worth checking.
You can use Discourse as a comments system for Wordpress. The Commenting features are dependent on the publishing features, so you need publishing to be set up for commenting to work. If you’ve set up publishing and are ready to set up commenting, watch this short video, or follow the instructions below.
Next Step
Once you’ve set up commenting, you may want to check out the following topics
Log in to Discourse with Wordpress (DiscourseConnect)
Setting up Commenting
To have Di…
Could you share a link to your Forum and Wordpress if possible? Also, could you share the logs and meta file from your WP Discourse (you can PM this to me)
The WP Discourse plugin has its own logging system (since v2.2.5). This is an overview of how it works and how to use it. If you have any questions please respond below.
What is logged
All of the main WP Discourse feature-sets log errors (since v2.3.5). To log every action, including successful ones, you can turn on verbose logging for the relevant feature-set you want more information on. Look for a setting starting with “Verbose…” in the relevant settings tab.
How logs are stored
The plugin …