Wrong logo shown when OS light/dark mode doesn't match toggle mode

Hello, after setting up the dark and light color schemes, this feature works correctly. However, when switching from the dark theme to the light theme using the toggle and scrolling down on the topic page to switch to the mobile logo the logo does not match the color scheme. Similarly, when scrolling back up to display the full logo again, the wrong logo is shown. This issue occurs in the light theme. How can I solve this problem?

Edit: potentially related to Problem with brand logo and automatic dark mode


Yes, I’m having the same problem here.


I can confirm the same issue.
When the OS dark/light mode is different than the toggle mode, after scrolling up and down, things go wrong.

OS Mode Toggle Mode After scrolling
light light :white_check_mark:
light dark :scream: light logo instead of dark logo, both big and small
dark light :scream: dark logo instead of light logo, both big and small
dark dark :white_check_mark: short flash of light small logo instead of dark small logo

Thanks @bekircem and @RGJ for the report. I can reproduce it myself here on meta. We’ll take a look at this.

I’ve extracted the related posts into a new topic in Bug and created a screencast to illustrate the behavior described in Richard’s post for each of the cases. When the OS mode does not match the toggle mode, the correct logo shows at first but then the wrong logo is shown as you scroll and click around the site.


Osama fixed this bug in the following PR.


I set a close timer on this, can we confirm it is resolved?


I fiddled with this here on meta and on my own site. On my own site it appears to be working correctly but I am still getting the same issue here on meta.


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