Discourse Signatures

:discourse2: Summary Discourse Signatures adds old school forum signatures to Discourse.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/discourse/discourse-signatures
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse

We all know forum signatures are a relic of the past, but there are still a lot of communities that really love them. Since Discourse is :rainbow: I crafted a plugin that lets us take back our much loved (gif animated) signatures! :writing_hand:


You need to enable the plugins options for all users by going to your Admin settings over at your-site/admin/site_settings/ and navigate to the plugins section your-site/admin/site_settings/category/plugins. Then in the filter box, type in signatures to filter out this plugins settings:

After that, each user will need to enable the signature setting on their profile and select a signature:

And that’s it!

Advanced Configuration Mode

You can also enable advanced mode on the plugin settings and use a full-blown post editor to create your signature! With text, multiple images, etc.

Thanks to @charleswalter who pushed for this and made it possible, @eviltrout who made it compatible, and the Discourse team for such an amazing project.


  • It is not possible to make this default on for all users; users must intentionally opt in to have a signature experience.
  • Enable advanced mode if you want both pictures and text in signatures.

:discourse2: Hosted by us? This plugin is available on our Enterprise plans


2 posts were split to a new topic: Is the Signature plugin installed on all Discourse hosted sites?

A post was split to a new topic: Uploading images for Signatures

A post was split to a new topic: Signatures becoming visible even when user has diabled them in their preferences

2 posts were split to a new topic: Restrict Signatures to only admins and mods?

A post was split to a new topic: Restrict Signatures to only certain categories

Not a troll question, a genuine question:

We all know forum signatures are a relic of the past

Do you have a reference? This is pretty new to me :slight_smile:

Unfortunately people in one of the forums I run are complaining about signatures, too. “This is a thing from the 90s, also many signatures are too heavy and even if not they distract too much from the content of the threads.” In this forum, it’s 50/50. Interesting. We were already thinking about putting the content of the signatures in the “About me” box of the users and turning off signatures for this forum.

Personally I like signatures, also in the year 2024. :wink: But it seems not everybody thinking that way.

Anway, because of this reason I want to ask for a feature request:

Can you introduce a switch in the user profile/settings to turn off signatures? And maybe also a global switch to set a default (on or off).

There is signatures_visible_by_default in the plugin’s settings.

That is also possible. I think the user setting is located in the user’s preferences in the profile tab.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

I read it but the German version did read different to me, I did not understand it correct.

Found it! Now it all makes sense. Thank you again! :slight_smile:

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