Website loads quite slowly just a blank page and the page title after 2 minutes

My website loads quite slowly, after 2 minutes it’s still just a blank page and the page title (Chrome, Firefox, Safari,…)

  1. I use the Topic Card theme component to display thumbnails for each topic on the homepage,

  2. Due to work enmityand my forum has 250 Categories.

  3. Geographically, my server is quite far away. Vultr is located in Tokyo and this forum caters to visits from users in Vietnam.

Are these the 3 reasons why a website is slow? Or is there another reason?
Is there a way to optimize page load performance?

I checked. My server is not overloaded at all during page loading.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS has updated software packages to the latest

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I think it’s your browser or your client connection.

For me, your site loads in about a second on mobile or desktop in Canada.


Xin chào bạn :wave:

Same for me, it loads in 1-2 seconds in Australia.

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