Logo not updating on Site after new file uploaded

I’m sure this is something simple - but I am uploading a new logo to my site, its the right size (120 pixels high, horizontal perspective. .PNG file), but it doesn’t seem to be used on the site for some reason.

I am using the “Big Header/Small Header” component.

And I’m using the News plugin: GitHub - paviliondev/discourse-news: Adds a news stream to your Discourse instance

I’m running 2.9.0.beta9 - because everything is working fine, and there have been issues with the News plugin (which is critical for my site) not working with newer versions of Discourse.

I clear the cache - and the old logo still comes up when I view the site, in any browser. I’m not using a CDN or anything. Just a simple site hosted on Digital Ocean.

What am I doing wrong?

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there’s many logo versions for discourse: mobile, mobile dark, logo, small logo…

Try and see if you are uploading in the correct field


yea the news plugin is broken and i’m not sure what affect that would have, nor also running such an old Discourse version. but have you tried looking at your site in safe mode to see if the logo is there?

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In safemode, the new logo is showing.

What does that tell me.

The new logo shows when I check either the:
Disable themes and theme components
Disable all plugins

but not when I check
Disable unofficial plugins

It means you have an official plugin that is overriding the setting for the new logo and replacing it with the old one. try removing the unofficial ones from a theme and re-adding them back one by one until you find the culprit. what unofficial plugins are installed? - I would remove the news plugin first if I was to guess. seeing as how it’s confirmed to be broken.

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Here is what my plugin list looks like - so I guess the issue is the News plugin, is that correct?

so did you try disabling it?

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Not yet - so I assume its safe to disable the news plugin (which will effectively break my site), wait for some time, then enable it again.

Would that be the best protocol. Or do I need to upload the logo again while the news plugin is disabled.

Is there any risk of the site not going back to normal during this cycle?

I tried disabling the news plugin. Then went to the home page and refreshed, and nothing has changed - still the old logo. Perhaps it has worked, but my cache did not update. I will try on a new browser in private mode to see if it may have worked.

Update: No - turning off the news plugin, waiting a few minutes, then turning it on again - did not seem to work.

Other suggestions?

Hello :wave: I’ve checked some things and I think there is no issue with logo update but I noticed you using the Big Header - Little Header theme component which has some settings related with logo like logo url. I think you need to update this url too. :slight_smile:


Ah - Yes - that was the issue. I updated the URL in the big header component and all is good!
