How to turn off "Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?'

I saw this topic

But it does not work. I have minimum entropy set to 0. Yet still I’m not able to make a topic in my own forum with an empty body, or a body that consists of only “.”

Anyone know how to turn this off so that everyone is free to post as little as they desire in the topic body?

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Does not seem to work

body_min_entropy: Value must be between 0 and 2,000,000,000.

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That setting is only for the text body of a post, not the title. Title entropy is a different setting; “title min entropy.”

entropy settings

Have you adjusted both settings or only one?


Yes I set both entropy settings to 0


That would be prevented by min post length setting which is default of 20 characters.


Thanks, it seems that I have already changed that to 1 for all minimum post length settings. I think the proper value should be 0. However the website says that the lowest value possible is 1. How can I make the minimum post length 0?

That doesn’t seem to be possible.

I think that you an override that range with a custom plugin.

You’ll need to see Developing Discourse Plugins - Part 1 - Create a basic plugin and search for a topic that overrides site setting ranges.