34 years ago, really?

Hi, funny thing, one of my user who never posted but was registered something like 3 months ago posted today, and the system put a banner (visible only to the admin I guess):

It’s been a while since we last saw braudpatrice. His last message was 34 years ago.

Really , 34 years ago? :crazy_face:

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That notice will be visible to TL2+ depending on what you have set for returning user notice tl

Weird that it’s got 34 years written in it though. :thinking:


Thanks, did not know about this setting.

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Just as a bonus, there’s a companion one for the new user notice as well - new user notice tl

You can also remove those post notices too using the post wrench if you need to. :+1:


Have you tried changing the language version? Maybe this is a translation error, like if days where translated to ans.

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This is the text string I can adapt in French, the {time} variable is used, I do not know by what it is replaced:

Cela faisait un moment que nous n’avions pas vu %{user}. Son dernier message remonte à %{time}.

I googled for the username and found this

So that is incorrect… they did post,

and I think you might have been editing the post date of all topics in “Histoire”.


Oh thanks so much, that’s right, I did change that topic date (and others). Mystery solved :smiley:


Hey Patrick,

I know this is not the subject of the thread, but changing the date of posts is dangerous for SEO, if you care about that. Be cautious

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Thanks for the links, in my case I posted the topic then changed the date, seconds after the topic was published, for a very much older date, 34 years before ! So because the topic was not on Google index and because the date is not newer but much older, I think I don’t fall under the uses cases discussed in the articles you mention. BTW, I think having the ability to set a topic date before posting would be a bonus. I don’t think it’s possible ?

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